Labyrinthos Academy
A tarot school for witches and wizards, taught by monsters and mythical creatures. Encompasses all my tarot and lenormand work, including printed decks and their companion apps. So far, 5 different decks have been released, and 4 different apps, all with their own unique concept. Currently running this part-time. Responsible for Illustration, Visual Design, UI / UX Design, Mobile Development, Front-End Development, Product Design & Production.
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HappyPlayTime is a sex-ed game that teaches girls how to masturbate. It's main goal is to eliminate the stigma associated with female masturbation, while presenting facts on anatomy, and techniques in a fun way. Sex is beautiful, masturbation is innocent. Behind the baggage, the concept of masturbation is tied to the celebration of one's body and identity. Responsible for...everything.
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Plum Alley
Plum Alley is a site that provides a fundraising and commerce platform for female entrepreneurs and creators. Driven by a strong mission to help women, we created a site specifically tailored to help project creators raise funds. I worked on Branding, Visual Design, Art Direction, UI/UX, Front End Development.
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